Campbell River Liquor Store Acquisitions
ActionsNANAIMO BC — September 1st, 2022
Mid Island Consumer Services Co-operative (“Mid Island Co-op”) has entered into an agreement with JAK’S Beer Wine Spirits Campbell River Limited to purchase the two (2) JAK’S Liquor store locations in Campbell River, BC. Mid Island Co-op will assume operations starting September 1st, 2022.
This strategic acquisition aligns with Mid Island Co-op’s long-term strategic plan to provide our 60,000+ member/owners with increased sustainability and diversity of services. The transition of the new stores to the Co-op’s “Mid Island Liquor” brand will take place in the coming months and once complete will provide the opportunity for our current and new Mid Island Co-op members to use their Co-op membership number to earn equity and cashback. Mid Island Co-op is proud to provide local jobs and economic activity in the many communities we serve.
We look forward to welcoming employees at these new locations into our Mid Island Co-op team.
Mid Island Liquor Timberline: #203- 205 Hilchey Road, Campbell River, BC
Mid Island Liquor Discovery: #1328 Island Highway, Campbell River, BC